WordPress’ Marketing team has launched a new campaign called “From Blogs to Blocks” in anticipation of the project’s upcoming 20th anniversary. The WordPress community is celebrating this major milestone through various activities and local meetups that are being held around the world throughout the month of May.
“From Blogs to Blocks creates intentional moments for the WordPress community to reflect on the journey we’ve gone on so far and to dream of what’s to come,” Marketing team contributor Sé Reed said.
“Each daily action symbolizes the millions of individual actions that have come together to make WordPress what it is today.”
The new campaign will feature 20 days of WordPress-related prompts for users to engage in different actions designed to start conversations and stir memories. Daily prompts will be published for different ways of participating through blogging, developing, designing, photography, and community. For example, participants may be invited to submit photos to the WordPress Photo Directory, post videos, art, or share a block or theme they created.
The daily prompts will begin May 7 and will run until the 20th anniversary on May 27. They will give the community an opportunity to reflect on what WordPress means to them, their experiences, and personal milestones along the way.
Participants are encouraged to use the #WP20 hashtag and may be eligible to receive recognition from the Marketing team in the form of a WordPress.org profile badge. Those who publish contributions on all 20 prompts before WordCamp US in August may also receive additional unspecified acknowledgments. Subscribe to the Marketing blog to get all the prompts in your inbox.
I still prefer non-blocks (using Disable Gutenberg plugin). Hope WP lets us non-blockers stay for good. 😅