
WP Tavern Forums Discussions A Forum called ‘Discussions’?

A Forum called ‘Discussions’?

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    • NdnaJnzNdnaJnz

      Do not each of these forums contain discussions?
      What is the intention of the difference in the discussions in Discussions compared to those in the other forums?

      Okay, I know that sounds like a joke, but I am genuinely curious what is intended here. Really!


    • Sarah GoodingSarah Gooding

      Discussions are the default forum for all the discussions that spin out from comments on a post. They all get automatically added to this forum. It’s in the announcement post but maybe we can make it easier to understand on the forum description.

    • sereedmediasereedmedia

      I read “Discussions” as a more general topic than the other forums.

    • Ryan HellyerRyan Hellyer

      Perhaps it should be named “Blog post discussions”.

    • DeryckDeryck

      It makes sense to me. Everything that cannot be classified with other categories can be placed here and if it’s the opposite, can be moved from here to the proper channel. In my case, I sometimes struggle to choose the right channel to post something.

    • Jeff ChandlerJeff Chandler

      I think we ought to have a discussion about these discussions causing more discussions.

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